Avril Millar | Business Mentoring, Executive Mentoring, Personal Mentoring in London

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BBC 1 last night - bankers working with small business

OK, it was designed to hit all the hotspots - greedy bankers out of touch with the real world of small business. And it was no doubt edited to keep all the nasties in place and entertain - I'm not sure that cleaning toilets and milking cows is essential to understand how a business works and I suspect ritual humiliation formed part of it. BUT, the story was compelling - two businesses, one hotel and one dairy farm struggling to survive. And everyone learned from everyone else and, most of all, they DID make a difference.

It's not about genius, it's not about one person being better than another, it's about new thinking and different skills being brought to bear to make hard work deliver rewards.

We have so much talent to take out to the heart of UK businesses. And, talking of heart, there was a lot of emotion in being able to make a real difference. So I'm so glad my new business is doing exactly that - targetting people with talent from the City and enabling them to touch and change lives. Now that is a job worth having and a life worth living.