Avril Millar | Business Mentoring, Executive Mentoring, Personal Mentoring in London

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University. Why?

I know you need to go to University if you want to be a doctor or an engineer. I can even see how it matters for linguists and philosophers plus no doubt numerous others who either (a) need to know facts or (b) need to know how to think, before they can usefully launch themselves into the world.

But I just read an article in yesterday's Sunday Times about the Spanish backlash against austerity and lack of jobs. And in it there was an ex student complaining that since leaving university after his FIVE YEAR degree course in marketing, he couldn't get a job. He's now 28.

FIVE YEARS??????????

There cannot be that much to know about marketing. In fact, I seriously doubt there is anything to know about marketing you couldn't better learn by actually working from day one in a series of marketing businesses.

And so, here he is, five years of his life on, unable to even market himself. Nuff said.